Welcome to Oak Class!
Class Teacher – Jonelle Arrowsmith – (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)
Class Teacher – Alana Laguna (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)
Teaching Assistant – Mrs Jacobs
Year Groups – Year 3 and Year 4
Oak Curriculum Map – Tour of Britain
Class Information
Miss Webber teaches in Oak Monday – Friday.
Oak class is also supported throughout the week by Mrs Jacobs.
Please come in to see us if you have any questions or queries or phone the school office to make an appointment.
Oak class will be doing PE on a Monday and Tuesday with Mr Tyrrell. Children will need to wear their PE kits into school on Monday and Tuesdays..
The children can bring in a healthy snack to have a playtimes and the children will need a water bottle with a drink in everyday.
Reading: Please hear your child read or read to your child every day and write a comment/ signature in their diary and note what page they read up to. Once they have read the book, they complete a comprehension quiz (AR) in school. Please ensure your child brings his or her reading book and reading diary to school every day.
Spellings: At the front of your child’s homework book, you will find your child’s statutory spelling list. Please learn these over the course of the year. We will be using and applying these frequently in school.
Homework: Every Friday, the children will receive homework to complete. This may be work based on Maths, English, Guided Reading or a foundation subject. Homework should be completed and handed in by the following Wednesday.
Previous areas of learning:
Previous Learning will be updated throughout this academic year.
Useful Resources