Logo school uniforms are now stocked with a local supplier Thomas Moore in Exeter.
Non – branded school uniform can as be purchased from other providers such as supermarkets.
Logo school uniforms are now stocked with a local supplier Thomas Moore in Exeter.
Non – branded school uniform can as be purchased from other providers such as supermarkets.
The uniform for our school is as follows.
All these items are recommended:
(Logo or non logo uniform is acceptable.)
*Dark grey pinafore dress, skirt, trousers or shorts
*Gold/yellow polo shirt
*Green cardigan, fleece or sweatshirt
*Grey, black, white or dark green socks or tights
*Black shoes, flat or low heeled and not trainers
In the summer children can wear:
*Green check summer dress
*White or plain closed toe sandals
PE Kit (these items are recommended):
*House team colour T-shirt (logo or non logo t-shirt)
*Black shorts
*Plimsolls or trainers
*Track suit bottoms and sweater for outdoor wear (plains colours e.g black)
Book bags can also be bought from Thomas Moore.
We have a stock of second hand uniform available, please contact the school office.