Welcome to Willow Class!
Teacher – Miss Katie Webber
Teaching Assistants – Mrs Ridgers and Miss Williams
Year Groups – Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Years 1 & 2
Class Information
Miss Katie Webber teaches in Willow Monday – Friday
Willow class is also supported throughout the week by Mrs Ridgers and Miss Williams.
Willow will be doing PE on a Tuesday with Mr Tyrrell. They should come to school wearing their PE kit and will stay in their PE kit all day.
The children will also do daily physical activity with balls and hoops (but will not need any PE kit for this).
The children will be choosing and bringing home a ‘book to love’ and a reading scheme book. The ‘book to love’ but a book to share with you and enjoy together over the week. The children’s books will come home every Friday and must be returned by the following Friday, ready to be changed. Children will need a book bag and this should come to school every day.
Spare pants and clothing
If you think your child is likely to need a spare pair of pants/tights/joggers then send in a change of clothing in a named bag and we will keep it on their peg in case of emergencies!
Labelling of clothes
Please ensure you label all your child’s clothing so we can get the right clothing back to you.
We have a snack time twice a day. Please send in a fruit snack, daily. A government scheme provides a second fruit snack. Your child’s water bottle needs to be named and brought in on a Monday. We will send the bottle home on a Friday – and will obviously refresh it daily. (Please do not send any other fruit products – such as fruit Bear Yo-yos or fruity bars. Pure fruit only.)
When we send home reading books, there will be an expectation to read 5-10 minutes daily with your child. Of course, in these early days of full-time schooling your child may be too tired to read so it’s best not to force the issue. Enjoyable time reading together is key – find the time of day that works best for you.
Homework books will be sent home on a Friday with either a Maths or English activity. Please return these the following Wednesday.
We will be using Seesaw to share your child’s learning with you, so you can see what they get up to at school. You will be able to add your own comments, should you wish. We will post every couple of weeks. Look out for an email with more details and your own login.
If you have any questions, please talk to us at the end of the day or drop an email to school and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Previous area of Learning:
Previous Learning will be updated throughout this academic year.
Useful Resources