Parents Guide to Getting Involved
At Kenton Primary School we recognise that Parents and Carers are the first educators of children and we value your contributions to the life of the school. There are plenty of ways that you can get more involved in our school if you wish here are a sample.
Helping in class
We are always pleased when parents or carers volunteer to help in class. There are a wide variety of tasks that you could help with. Just see your child’s teacher about this.
The Governing body is made up of volunteers who wish to make a significant contribution to the strategic direction and running of the school. Vacancies to join the Governing body are advertised as they arise. Please see our Governor vacancies page for more information.
Accompanying classes on trips
When we take children out of school we always need a higher adult to children ratio. At times this may involve us asking for parents to help. As transport costs are so high, we also frequently need parents and carers who are able to transport children to and from from a variety of events. In addition to a CRB check, we request that anyone who volunteers to drive completes a declaration, stating that they have alerted their insurers about what they are doing.
Kenton School Parents’ Association (KSPA)
The KSPA is always looking for volunteers to help at fundraising events. These events are great fun for the whole community and for those involved, as well as raising money to directly benefit the education of children at Kenton Primary.
DBS checks
We place the safety and welfare of our children at the top of our priorities, so all adults who volunteer in school must have a DBS check. Volunteer DBS checks are free for schools to obtain. Checks take about 3 weeks to complete and volunteering can only start when this is completed. At present DBS are not transferable. So if you wish to become more involved please complete a DBS form, return to the school Administrator with appropriate ID and have a chat with members of staff, governors or other parents for more details of tasks.
Knowing what children are doing in class
The school holds three formal Parents’/ Open Evening each year and reports come out in the summer term. Curriculum letters and maps come out to parents regularly. We also run a variety of workshops and meetings over the year to look at particular areas in more detail. In addition staff are available at the end of each day or at the end of a phone if you have any questions or queries. Please discuss any of these with staff and they will be pleased to help.
Parent Forum
The school’s Parent Forum meets termly to discuss anything raised by parents and as a representative body of parents to discuss any issues that the Head of school might bring to the meeting.
If you have any other skills that you could share with us in school, we would love to hear from you. For example we have had people talk about their work skill with classes and work with children on art and craft skills.
We look forward to working with you!