Oak Class visited Kenn Primary School for a day to learn all about the Ancient Egyptians. The History Man came up from Exeter’s RAMM museum. He had a wonderful range of Egyptian artefacts and resources for the children to use.
The children had a go at wrapping up a ‘body’ (one of the children!) in mummy bandages and learnt about what Ancient Egyptians did with the insides.
This is what a couple of children said about the day.
Amelia: ‘I really liked wrapping Cody and Kate up with bandages, and also loved playing with the Kenn children’.
Dominic: ‘I really liked pretending to discover Tutankhamen’s tomb. We all listened to a story about an archaeologist and had to act out bits of the story.’
The children had a great day, learnt lots of new facts about Ancient Egypt and made some new friends.
Thank you to Class 3 and all of the staff at Kenn for looking after us!