Welcome back to another new term in the woods and a big hello to my new forest school assistant, Sharon, who will be working with Year 3 & 4 this half term.
We have already battled with the elements and relished the opportunity to get wet playing with giants pools of water on our shelter tarp.
On the lucky dry day, children made lanterns for the Powderham parade with Kerrie from “Burn the Curtain” Theatre. I hope many of you managed to get along to the Tales of Timothy the Tortoise show last weekend and see the lanterns in action.
The summer is fading away and we welcome the changes of autumn. Please make sure your child has waterproof clothing, a water bottle and a healthy snack for their session in the woods. Sessions are more enjoyable when we’re wrapped up warm!
After half term, year 5 & 6 will have sessions up to the Xmas break.
As ever, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any queries via the school reception.