Download the Progression Document as a pdf by clicking here
Maths Intent
“Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.”- Shakuntala Devi
Here at Kenton we take a maths mastery approach to teaching and learning mathematics. We believe that all children can be successful in the study of mathematics. Our intent is for every child to gain mastery of the primary maths curriculum and for children to become confident, resilient, curious mathematicians; well equipped to become successful for their future adventures. We aim to prepare them for a successful working life.
Maths Implementation
We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression, starting in EYFS, centred around the EYFS Statutory Framework and Development Matters (2021). Our EYFS and Year 1-6 maths progressions are, by necessity, organised into distinct domains, but pupils should make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems.
Learning is coherently sequenced for children to progress through their mathematical journey. Our mastery approach ensures that children spend far longer on fewer key mathematical concepts whilst working at greater depth. In Reception, progressions are based on those of the NCTEM and from Year 1 to Year 6, White Rose Maths Scheme.
Staff follow the White Rose Maths Scheme in Year 1-6 and in Reception, they follow Mastering number by NCTEM. Daily lessons develop oral and mental calculation, and include direct teaching and activities for pupils, either in whole class, groups, pairs or individually. Teachers adapt these plans to suit the needs of our individual children and year groups (including SEND and more able). Lessons begin with a recap of previous learning. During lessons, teachers follow a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach when introducing new concepts and will model using ‘I do, we do, you do’. Lessons conclude with a plenary which can summarise learning, check misconceptions or target further learning. Teachers encourage the use of ICT, games and problem solving to help children understand and apply new concepts.
We strive to create a vocabulary rich environment, where talk for maths is a key learning tool for all pupils and gives them confidence to explain mathematically, through using STEM sentences. Children are provided with opportunities to develop a deepened understanding for mathematics, to become fluent with the fundamentals of mathematics, to reason mathematically and to solve problems. Maths is taught across the curriculum ensuring that skills taught in these lessons are applied in other subjects and real-life opportunities.
Staff feel confident to teach and have excellent subject knowledge and understanding of teaching maths, through staff training and shared knowledge and experience. The best quality of education is ensured throughout Key Stages through effective termly monitoring of books, learning walks and pupils and teacher voice.
Maths Impact
Across the school year, lesson observations, incremental coaching and learning walks take place and evidence that teachers provide a broad and balanced maths curriculum. Teachers are using the WRM scheme, our long term plan and progression of skills document to ensure children’s prior knowledge is taken into account and developed upon. Book scrutiny’s show that children can demonstrate that they are acquiring key knowledge and skills. Pupil voice reflects the growing mathematical understanding, use of vocabulary and use of STEM sentences and shows a great enthusiasm for the subject.
At the beginning and end of each unit, assessments are completed to inform teaching and to show progression within the unit. Additionally, at the end of each term, assessments are used to show what learning has been retained from that term and will identify gaps in learning that teachers can act upon. Teachers will use their judgements throughout the year to continuously update target tracker to assess what pupils have achieved and what areas within maths they are still working on. This data will be used by the maths lead and further interventions, coaching and CPD may be put in place if necessary. Analysis by the subject leader enables a consistent approach to maths teaching across the school and this is supported through monitoring of children’s books, pupil conferencing and through termly conversations with children.
Our pupils are able to show mastery, that they really understand a mathematical concept, idea or technique when they can:
· Describe it in their own words
· Represent it in a variety of ways (e.g, using concrete materials, pictures or symbols)
· Explain it to someone else
· Generalise
· Make up their own examples
· See connections between it and other facts and ideas
· Recognise it in new situations and contexts
· Make use of it in various ways, including new situations
· Demonstrate a quick recall of facts and procedures, including the recollection of times tables
Mastering Number.
Children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 follow the Mastering number programme by NCTEM to develop their understanding and knowledge of how numbers are made up. This is taught alongside the KS1 mastery programme materials.
EYFS children also follow the adventures of block characters in Numberland, with the number of blocks determining which numeral they embody. A black floating number, called a Numberling, appears above their heads to show how many blocks they are made of.
One of our school priorities has been to develop children’s skills in the four areas of calculation. A great deal of work has been undertaken in conjunction with other local schools, in developing the way we approach the teaching of calculation strategies and the images we want the children to have. The intended outcome of this work is:
- to see children with a wider range of strategies to aid their calculation skills
- for children to have concrete understanding of concepts and what number means before being rushed onto more formal methodology before they are ready
- for children to have strong models and images and rely less upon abstract concepts
- for all sectors of the school community to have the same appreciation of this approach.
For adults this can be tricky as often we only really know what we were taught at school and therefore there can be a conflict of opinion when supporting our children and they are insistent that your way is not their way. With that in mind we have produced a very brief summary of the route through each of the four operations which we hope will go some way to addressing this issue.
NCETM scheme Documents
Progression – Fractions in a Linear Number System
Progression – Quantities of Fractions
Calculation and Representation Guidance A-S WHOLE
Progression – Add and Subtract Fractions