Download the Progression Document as a pdf by clicking here
Science at Kenton Primary
Science Intent
“Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge.” – Stephen Hawking
We want the children at Kenton Primary School to have a genuine curiosity in the world around them, and have developed the skills to explore those things. We want them to have developed skills around observation and measurments, recording data and presenting findings. We want them to test out predicitons and discover first hand whether they match their results and what this tells them. The skills of working scientifically sit alongside a rich body of knowledge about the world around them. The core skills of Biology, Chemistry and Physics have been stitched together cohesively as children progress through the school.
Scientific enquiry skills are embedded in each topic the children study and these topics are revisited and developed throughout their time at school. Topics, such as plants, are taught in Key Stage One and studied again in further detail within Key Stage Two. This is mapped on our curriculum progression document. This model allows children to build upon their prior knowledge and increases their enthusiasm for the topics whilst embedding this procedural knowledge into the long-term memory. We ensure key knowledge is retained through retrieval tasks at the start of each Science lesson . They are immersed in scientific vocabulary, which aids children’s knowledge and understanding not only of the topic they are studying, but of the world around them.
Science in our school is about developing children’s ideas and ways of working that enable them to make sense of the world in which they live through investigation, as well as using and applying process skills. The staff at Kenton Primary School ensure that all children are exposed to high quality teaching and learning experiences, which allow children to explore their outdoor environment theough designated forest school sessions and use of our local environment (Kenton playing fields).
Science Implementation
To effectively implement our intent for outstanding Science education, we follow a well-structured and comprehensive approach that is aligned with the most recent Ofsted inspection framework. Our implementation strategy encompasses the following key elements:
We have developed a coherent and progressive Science curriculum that builds upon prior knowledge and skills, ensuring a seamless transition across year groups. Our curriculum is designed to cover all areas of the scientific discipline, including biology, chemistry, physics, and scientific enquiry. We follow the statutory requirements set out in the National Curriculum, but also enhance this by incorporating cross-curricular links, practical investigations, and real-life examples to engage pupils fully. Children are exposed to key scientific vocabulary in order to understand and readily apply to their verbal, written and mathematical communication of their skills. In science lessons, children will use a range of resources, including the school and forest school environments, to develop their knowledge and understanding that is integral to their learning and develop their understanding of working scientifically. Children reflect on previous learning and cross curricular links will be made wherever possible with a particular emphasis on using scientific vocabulary across subjects; children will be able to build on prior knowledge and link ideas together, enabling them to question and become enquiry based learners. The science coordinator will carry out reviews of science teaching through meetings with children across the school and looking at examples of children’s work. We will involve parents in their child’s science work by setting homework and holding an annual science week where parents are invited into school to complete investigations with their children or talk about the role of science in their working lives.
High Quality Teaching
At Kenton Primary School we promote high-quality teaching and learning in Science through the following strategies:
- All teachers are subject specialists who have received additional professional development to enhance their pedagogical knowledge in Science.
- Lessons are carefully planned and sequenced, following a range of teaching styles to cater to different learning needs and abilities.
- Constructivist approaches, such as practical investigations, research projects, and problem-solving activities, are embedded in our teaching practice, fostering active participation and independent thinking.
- We provide regular opportunities for pupils to engage in scientific discussions, enabling them to articulate ideas clearly and develop their scientific vocabulary.
To enhance and consolidate pupils’ understanding of Science, we offer a range of enrichment activities, both within and beyond the classroom. These include:
- Visits to museums, science centers, and nature reserves, enabling pupils to experience scientific phenomena first-hand and appreciate the wonders of the natural world.
- Engaging with scientists and experts through workshops.
- Encouraging participation in science-related clubs such as Fizz Pop Science Club.
Assessment and Feedback
We have a robust assessment system in place that enables accurate and meaningful monitoring of pupils’ progress in Science. Our assessment strategies include:
- Formative assessment techniques, such as questioning, observation, and discussion, used during lessons to provide immediate feedback and inform teaching. Annontated formative assessment trackers to identify gaps in children’s understanding.
- Regular summative assessments recorded on Target Racker to track pupils’ attainment and progress against the National Curriculum objectives, allowing timely interventions to address any gaps in learning.
- Verbal feedback and marking provided to pupils in a constructive and supportive manner, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
Science Impact
Through quality first teaching and the experiences of a great range of lessons and activities, children will retain knowledge that is pertinent to Science with a real life context, including being able to name scientists and scientific roles in the workplace. Children are able to question ideas and reflect on knowledge. Learners work collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment critically. Our monitoring shows that children are able to explain the process they have taken and be able to reason scientifically. Children develop a range of technical vocabulary in the context of their Science lessons. These are referred to and reinforced regularly outside of the science lesson (vocabulary displays – tier 3 words) to ensure deep learning takes place. Children take on transferable skills in their Science learning, such as critical thinking, questioning skills and reflection on successes and challenges and become inquisitive and deep thinkers around the bigger concepts in modern life.
Through our intent and implementation, we aim to achieve the following outcomes:
- High levels of pupil engagement and enjoyment, fostering a love for Science that goes beyond the classroom.
- Pupils who reach or exceed age-related expectations in Science, demonstrating deep conceptual understanding and scientific skills.
- Evidence of pupil attainment and progress through regular assessment and monitoring, which informs further teaching and intervention.
- Pupils who are competent in using scientific language, methodologies, and critical thinking skills to investigate, problem-solve, and analyze scientific concepts.
- Enrichment activities and experiences leading to pupils making connections between Science concepts and their real-life applications.
- Pupils who are confident, independent learners, able to apply scientific knowledge across the curriculum and in everyday life.
- Positive attitudes towards Science and an increased number of pupils opting for further study in Science disciplines, preparing them for future careers in STEM-related fields.