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Personal, Social and Health Education – SCARF
There’s a clear link between children’s mental and physical wellbeing, and their attainment. A whole-school approach to mental wellbeing, involving teachers, pupils and parents/carers working together impacts strongly on pupils’ wellbeing, behaviour and learning. Further evidence of this is provided by PHE (now the Health Security Agency) in their publication Promoting children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing: A whole school and college approach.
“Such an approach moves beyond learning and teaching to pervade all aspects of the life of a school, and had been found to be effective in bringing about and sustaining health benefits.” Promoting children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing, Public Health England
PSHE Intent
We provide a whole school PSHE curriculum that builds foundations of health and wellbeing, providing crucial skills and positive attitudes to enable children to achieve their best potential, academically and socially. We want our children to develop and deepen their personal, social, emotional development in ways that are tailored to their age group, whilst also expanding on their previous knowledge as they progress through the school.
Our intention is for our children to learn about themselves as developing individuals and as members of their communities, building on their own experiences and experiences of others. We provide a safe space for the children to learn PSHE, providing them with the ability to make safe and informed choices, taking responsibility for their actions, respecting and valuing difference and being the best that they can be. Children will learn to show acceptance of others regardless of their background, religion, race, gender or sexuality, and develop their understanding of others. It is our aim to help our pupils to learn to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.
PSHE Implementation
- At Kenton we follow the SCARF PSHE program, which is a whole school approach that provides a scheme of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage through to, and including, Year 6.
- SCARF, standing for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship is mapped to the PSHE Association programmes of study. It is centred on a values based, ‘Growth Mindset’ approach and is divided into six half- termly units. The units are tailored to each year group under the following themes:
o Being my Best,
o Me and my Relationships,
o Keeping Myself Safe,
o Valuing Difference,
o Growing and Changing,
o Rights and Responsibilities.
The units are taught through a spiral curriculum, being explored in greater depth and resources being tailored to each age group.
- Every teacher has access to SCARF online resources, which include lesson plans and additional resources for use/ amendment. This is including additional issues that may arise in classrooms regarding certain topics.
- Children have the opportunity to attend the Life Education Bus to motivate the children’s learning and enjoyment of PSHE, a Buzz Point of the curriculum.
- We embed our school values, promoted throughout the curriculum wherever possible of; respect, responsibility, Kindness and resilience. The British Values are also embedded throughout the curriculum where possible. The values play a key part within our collective worship focuses each term.
- As well as using the SCARF scheme, we also use assemblies to discuss matters such as ‘random acts of kindness’, anti-bullying, e-safety, wellbeing etc.
PSHE Impact
- A meaningful PSHE curriculum supports to children becoming happier, positive about school life as a whole, have a better understanding of rules and responsibilities, being enabled to handle setbacks and disagreements.
- Children have a safe space in which to discuss their feelings, opinions and develop their emotional intelligence.
- Teachers use informal assessment tools to review how the children are progressing within each area of PSHE learning. times, discussions, focus questions, independent tasks.
- Children recognise and understand the school values and the fundamental British values.
- Children demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school and demonstrate positive behaviour because they understand that they have a responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others.
Coram Life Education SCARF Impact Report 2021/22
Our delivery of a Sex Education programme is set in the whole school context of a Health Education Programme, which is planned through Personal, Social and Health Education, Physical Education, Science and Religious Education.
The school will endeavour to ensure that it is presented in such a manner as to encourage children to have due regard to moral considerations and family life.
Throughout their time in school our children are taught using video material ‘Living and Growing’ (as recommended by Devon Curriculum Services) together with supporting topic work. Parents are welcome to view this material at any time.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of any sex education provided (but not from teaching of the biological aspects of human growth and reproduction necessary under National Curriculum Science).