Current Governors are:
Michelle Addyman – Teaching Staff Governor. Elected by school staff 28.09.21. Term ends 28.09.2025. Member of staff.
Bob Baker – Foundation Governor appointed by the Governing Body 16.03.21. Term ends 16.03.25. Registered business interests: Employed by Exeter Arena Athletics Track (Exeter City Council) Family member employed at Dawlish College. Charity Trusteeships Hope Church & East Teignbridge Community Transport Association
Lorraine Curry – Executive Headteacher – member of governing body by virtue of her office, appointed 16.06.19. Registered business interests: None
Carla Custons-Cole – Co-opted Governor, appointed by the Trust Board 12.10.21. Term ends 12.10.2025. Registered business interests: None
Liz Price-Holden – Parent Governor, appointed by the Trust Board 18.07.23 (normally elected by other parents at the school, but not enough parents stood for election). Term ends 17.07.27. Registered business interests: None
Jem Squires – Co-opted Governor, appointed by the Trust Board 10.10.23. Term ends 09.10.2027 Registered business interests: None
Charlotte Wilkin – Co-opted Governor, appointed by the Trust Board 16.05.23. Term ends 15.05.27, Health & Safety Governor. Registered business interests: Employed at Dawlish College
Nicola Rose– Local Governance Officer, E-mail
How to contact us: Please email
Governors who have served over the previous 12 months:
Glynis Buckle – Co-opted Governor, appointed 16.05.23 Term ended 16.07.24